Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Free download Questions on Chromosome and DNA

               Chromosome and DNA

Question: Answer the following questions:
             I.      Define chromosomes and karyotype?
          II.      What are types of chromosomes?
       III.      What is alkapotamia?
      IV.      Differentiate b/w codon and promotor?
         V.      Why a cap and tail is added to mRNA?
      VI.      What is phenylketonuria?
   VII.      What is sickle cell anemia?
VIII.      Why histone is positively charge?
      IX.      Define transcription?
         X.      What is okazaki fragment?
                    for more questions open the link: www.bioshiggi.com

free down load Biology Chapter 27

                                  Chapter 27
Answer the following Short Questions:
  1. Give the names of some major ecosystem on land in Pakistan
  2. How many biomes are present in the world name them(any five)
  3. Name the zones in lake ecosystems.
  4. Define Lithospheric ecosystem, whicht factors affect on life?
  5. Define the term Productivity of an ecosystem.
  6. What is difference b/w Altitude and Latitude?
  7. Define desertification.
  8. Differentiate b/w prairies and savanna.
  9. What is acidification of Lakes?
  10. Define Desert ecosystem.         ADD YOUR COMMENTS

Free download biology paper on Chromosome and DNA

Chapter No.20 Chromosome and DNA

Question: Answer the following questions:
             I.      Define chromosomes and karyotype?
          II.      What are types of chromosomes?
       III.      What is alkapotonuria?
      IV.      Differentiate b/w codon and promotor?
         V.      Why a cap and tail is added to mRNA?
      VI.      What is phenyleketonuria?
   VII.      What is sickle cell anaemia?
VIII.      Why histone is positively charge?
      IX.      Define transcription?
         X.      What is okazaki fragment?

for more question papers open the link: 

free download Chromosome and DNA Cha 20 (0bj)

 Chromosome and DNA Ch 20 (0bj)
Q 1: Encircle the correct answer. (17)

  1. Interphase nucleus contains:
a) chromatin   b) chromosomes      c) Microtubules     d) Spindles
  1. More than 500 pairs of chromosomes are found in some:
a) Mosquitoes    b) Honey bees    c) Ferns     d) Sugar cane species
  1. The particular array of chromosomes that an individual possesses is called its:
a) Karyotype     b) Primary constriction    c) Kinetochore  
 d) Secondary constriction
  1. A typical human chromosome contains about -------- nucleotides in its DNA:
a) 100 million   b) 200 million   c) 140 million   d) 240 million
  1. Histone proteins combine with DNA to from a complex:
a) Nucleosome    b) Kinetochore   c) chromatin  d) Centromere
  1. Highly condensed portions of chromatin are called:
a) Euchromatin    b) Heterochromatin    c) chromatin   d) chromatids
  1. Who did proposed the chromosomal theory of inheritance:
a)Karl Correns      b) alter Sutton       c) T.H.Morgan    d) F. Griffth
  1. A.  Hershy and Chase performed experiments on bacterophage:
a) T2-phage        b) T3 -phage      c) T4-phage      d) λ-phage
  1. Repeating units of DNA are  called:
a) Histones      b) Nucleosides     c) Nucleotides     d) Amino acids         
  1. Base pairs of DNA molecule are planar and stack------ apart:
a) 0.2nm     b) 2nm      c) 0.34 nm      d) 34nm
  1. Meselson and Stahl grew bacteria in a medium containing heavy isotope of:
a) Sulphur      b) Nitrogen      c) Phosphrous     d) Oxygen
  1. It is a relatively small enzyme which plays a supporting role in DNA replication:
a) DNA polymerase I      b) DNA polymerase II
c) DNA polymerase III     d) RNA polymerase I
  1. RNA primer is a consequence of about --------RNA nucleotides:
a) 10     b) 20     c) 30     d) 40
  1. Patients produce urine that contain homogentisic acid:
a) Phenylketonuria     b) Alkaptonuria       c) Sickle cell anemia  
d) Down’s syndrone
  1. A sequence of nucleotides that determines the amino acid sequence of protein is called:
    a) Codon      b) Anticodon       c) Gene      d) Genotype
  1. Enzymes are responsible for assembly of :
a) Nucleic acid     b) Protein     c) Carbohydrates     d) All of these
  1. Which one is not appropriate to point mutation:
a)      Mutational changes affecting message it self
b)      Producing alterations in sequence of DNA nucleotides
c)      Due to spontaneous pairing errors
d)     Down’s syndrome is an example
for more question papers open the link: www.bioshiggi.com

Free download Paper Biology Reproduction (obj)

Chapter 18 Reproduction (Objective)
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q .No.1: Four possible answers are given. Encircle the best option. (17)

       i.            Reproduction is important for the survival of:
     a) Individual       b) species       c) Population    d) Both b & c
     ii.            Methods of asexual reproduction are:
          a) Apomixis      b) Artificial propagation    
          c) Sporulation    d) All of these
  iii.            Pinus sylvesteris belongs to:
          a) Gymnosperms     b) Angiosperms    c) Both a & b   d) None of these             
   iv.            Three Antipodal cells are fertilized with:
           a) Pollen tube      b) Egg nucleus      c) pollen gains     d) none of these
      v.            Developing seeds are rich source of:
          a) Auxins       b) Cytokinins      c) Gibberellins    d) All of these
   vi.            Hyoscymus niger is one of the:
a) long day plants  b) Short day plants c) Day neutral plants d) None
 vii.            The wave length of red light is:
          a) 660 ×10-9  b) 6600 × 10­-10   c)66×10-8    d)All of these     
viii.            P660 is converted in P730 by absorbing light of wavelength:
          a) 660 nm         b) 730 nm        c) Both a & b       d) All of these  
   ix.            The total non-disjunction of chromosomes is a form of:
          a) Mitosis      b) Meiosis     c) None of these   d) Both a & b
      x.            Parthenogenesis accelerates the:
          a) Reproductive rate           b) Growth rate   
          c) Cell growth rate              d) all of these
   xi.            In tissue culturing technique, the nutrients used are:
      a) Cytokinins     b) Indole acetic acid       c) Auxins     d) All of these            
 xii.            Prostrate gland is found in:
     a) Males    b) Females      c) Both males & females       d) None
xiii.            The events of menstrual cycle involve:
     a) Ovaries    b) Uterus      c) Ureter      d) Both a & b
xiv.            Estrous cycle is the reproductive cycle found in:
     a) Goats      b) cats     c) Human females    c) Both a & b  
  xv.            Polar bodies are:
      a) Haploid     b) Diploid    c) Triploid     d) All of these
xvi.            Duration of gestation period in women  is:
     a) 40 weeks          b) 41 weeks    c) 42 weeks   d) none of these
xvii.            Neisseria gonorrheae is a -------- bacterium.
    a) Gram positive   b) Gram negative   c) Both a & b   d) None of these

                                                                   (Prepared by: Mahr Sagheer )