Mind Blowing Facts in Biology

1. Testes contain over 1 km of tiny tubes called seminiferous tubules & 6 m long tube called epididymis.
2. At the time of birth a female baby's ovaries contain over 400,000 ova at their developing stage.
3. About 100 different carotenoids have been recognised, the good example comes from Lycopene which is Orange-Red and is found in Tomato.
4. When light is received by a chlorophyll molecule, one of its electrons is lost.
5. The ileum in man is almost 6 m long.
6. Cellular respiration is a complex metabolic process in which over 70 reactions occur .
8. At least 225 pesticide resistant insect species have been recognised.
9. A human uses 200 muscles to take one step.
10. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve an iron nail.
11. The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica.
12. The human brain is more active during the night than the day.
13. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.
14. The white part of your fingernail is called the Lunula.
15. Some plants also produce haemoglobin in there roots.
16. Normally the human respire aerobically but during rigorous exercise we do respire anaerobically.
17. XXY Drosophila is female by sex while an XXY human is male.
18. A correlation exists between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure of parents and their children.
19. A woman for homozygous baldness would be bald.
20. Tritanopia (blue colour blindness) is inherited either from mother or father.
21.  tfm gene on X chromosome dominates the SRY in terms of physiology (in normal cases i.e; in absence of tfm gene, testosterone produced as an expression of Y chromosomes dominates X chromosome.
22. If the male sex switch  is not triggered, a male may not undergo the development towards maleness.
23. Petromyzon is a vertebrate without vertebral column. 
24. A newly germinating seedling cannot produce its food by photosynthesis because it does not possess chloroplasts.
25. Classically the eutherian mammals are said to be as placental animals but placenta is also formed during development of birds.
26. Some fishes and even arthropods are also viviparous!!!

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  1. XXY Drosophila is female by sex while an XXY human is male.
    because the gender in drosophila is dependent upon number of X chromosomes expressed in an individual as a single X in drosophila in case of XO will be male and female in Human

  2. approximate size of GIT is equal to a lawn tennis court

  3. a bucket of nitrogenase is enough to convert the environmental nitrogen

  4. wow nice facts,do check these facts too Interesting Facts and say ur opinion.

  5. Prof. Kumail Hassan Jaffry9 November 2013 at 22:36

    Dear Sir. The ovaries do not contain 400,000 ova at birth but about 500,000 to 600,000 primary oocytes in primary follicles. Till the time of puberty, about 60,000 of these remain. Each month about 20 of these start developing, usually 19 of them suffer follicle atresia and only one follicle gives rise to and ovum (plural ova). Therefore, ova develop later under the effect of FSH and are not present at the outset.

  6. Dear Kumail,
    You know that typically the developing ovum is referred to as ovum in almost all the authentic books. You know it said that ovum is released during the ovulation but it not again not an ovum in case of human.
