Biological Phenomena Interpreted by Mahr Saghir's

1.Atom A Miracle of Allah
The negatively charged electrons revolve around Positively charged nucleus, is a miracle of Allah. Further more, all the positively charged but do not/cannot repel each other, again is an unexplainable fact, simply the miracle of Almighty Allah.

2. The Myth of Taste
When two sweet molecules of glucose combine chemically, a water molecule is released and MALTOSE is formed which is less sweet.
Aspartic Acid (sour)
Phenyalanine (bitter)

Aspertame (sweet)
Additionally when many glucose monomers which are sweet in taste, combine chemically, many water molecules are released; and these sweet molecules become STARCH which is tasteless.Someone can suppose that the sweet taste is lost due to loss of water. Stop! Its is wrong way of conclusion because we know that Phenylalanine and Aspartic acid are sour/bitter amino acids.
When these two bitter amino acids react chemically, a water molecule is released and the resulting dipeptide becomes Sweet . It was first sold under the brand name NutraSweet; since 2009 it also has been sold under the brand name AminoSweet. It was first synthesized in 1965 and the patent expired in 1992.  
        Dear readers, we are left with no option except the Power of Almighty Allah who makes them sweet. 
Aspartame is a methyl ester of the aspartic acid/phenylalanine dipeptide. 
3. Biological Phenomina versus Determination
        Napoleon Bonaparte a great  General of France once said, "there is no IMPOSSIBLE in my dictionary". But the study of biology leads us to the fact that many Biological phenomena are impossible e.g; 
i. You cannot change your blood group from A-positive to A-negative (or any other) with your determination. It is impossible! 
ii. Similarly, a conceptive woman cannot make her developing foetus complete the pregnancy time with her determination. It is also impossible! 
iii. A man or woman cannot escape the physiological Aging e.g; whitening of hair, loss of elasticity of skin.
iv. A woman cannot escape from Menupause.  It is also impossible! 
v. You cannot tame a buffalo to write her name Linda, Cherry, Sheedan or Meedan. It is also impossible!
vi. You cannot bring back a ripened fruit to its unripened stage. It is also impossible! 
vii. You cannot make an inter-sex individual to undergo the spermatogenesis or Oogenesis by your determination. It is also impossible!
viii. There are certain people who go to the Mazaars and Pirs for cure of diseases e.g; Hemophilia, Thalassemia, Turner's Syndrome, Mongolism, Testicular Feminization Syndrome etc. These simple fellows do not know the basics of Biological Science otherwise they should have never gone to such places, because the cure of the congenital disease is impossible! 
ix. A person having Bombay Phenotype h/h genes cannot produce the H-gene by his determination.  It is also impossible!

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  1. interesting sir jee... keep it up.. :)

    1. Thank you my dear. It is my humble service for my students and their friends..

    2. great sir ........... nt uR STUDENT BUT JUST LIKE UR STUDENT :)

    3. I really appreciate ur interest in such interpretations.
