Saturday, 9 February 2013

Free download BIOLOGY FSc Part 1 Test Prepared by Mahr Sagheer

 PAPER BIOLOGY (subjective)    FSc. 1st Year           Time Allowed: 2.40hr
FULL SYLLABUS                                                 Total Marks: 68
Roll No……………….. Name………………                               Date………………..
Note: Attempt any 22 questions from Part I and any three from Part II.                                                        
                                                           PART I (Short questions)
Q. No. 2: Answer the following questions briefly. (2×22=44).
       i.            What is the importance of Thymus?
     ii.            Write down the structural formula of ATP.
  iii.            Define compensation point.
  iv.            Differentiate the structure of capillaries and arteries?
     v.            Give the chemical composition of “honey dew”.
  vi.            Define metabolism.
vii.            Which enzymes are present in Peroxisomes?
viii.            Define Active transport.
  ix.            Write the composition of cell wall of fungi and Physerum polycephalum.
     x.            Define holoenzyme.
  xi.            What is the difference between slime and capsule in bacteria?
xii.            Define tetrad and sarcina.
xiii.            How Polytricum is different from Funaria?
xiv.            How fungi can parasitize the plants?
xv.            Define Parasexuality?
xvi.            Write down the stages of growth in Bacteria/
xvii.            Define red tide.
xviii.            What is interferon? Give its function.
xix.            Define prions.
xx.            Write the postulates of cell theory which was added by Rudolf Virchow.
xxi.            Define cytosol.
xxii.            Write the structure of capsule of Adiantum.
xxiii.            What is the function of prostomium and parapodium.
xxiv.            Define Medreporite.
xxv.            Give the biological name of shisham and mako.
xxvi.            Define deuterostomes.
xxvii.            What is bioenergetics?
xxviii.            Write the names of zooids found in Obelia colony.
xxix.            Write the functions of centriole.
xxx.            Give two examples of fluid feeders.
xxxi.            Write the structural formula of glucose.
xxxii.            Define guttation.
xxxiii.            What is plasmolysis and incipient plasmolysis.
PART II (Long questions)
Q. No. 3: a) Explain the floral characters of family solanaceae.(4)
                b) Write the factors affecting opening and closing of stomata. (4)
Q. No. 4: Describe the immunity in detail.(8)
Q. No. 5:  a)Write down the general characters of class Aves. (4)
                 b) Draw the reactions of  Glycolysis. (4)
Q. No. 6:  a) Describe flagella in bacteria. (4)
                 b) Describe the properties of respiratory surface in animals. (4)

BIOLOGY (objective)                    FSc. 1st Year                    Time Allowed: 20 min
Full syllabus                                                                      Total Marks: 17 
Roll No……………….. Name………………                                         Date………………..                                                               
Q .No.1 Encircle the best option.
i.        All the chemical reactions taking place within the cell are collectively called:                                                                                                                                    
a) Catabolism   b) Anabolism  c) Metabolism   d)  b & c
ii.      Energy is released by the break down of complex molecules into simpler ones:
a) Anabolic          b) Catabolic           c) Metameric                d) a & b
iii.    Human tissue contains about ---------% water in bone cells:
a) 85 %            b) 65%             c) 30%                         d) 20%
iv.    An activated enzyme consisting of polypeptide chain and a cofactor is called:
         a) Apoenzyme   b) Holoenzyme    c) Alloenzyme   d) None of these
v.      The reactant called---------is attached to the active site of enzyme:
            a) Co-enzyme   b) Cofactor   c) Substrate    d) Prosthetic group
    vi.            For enzymes of human body, the optimum temperature is:
            a) 37˚C    b) 98.6˚C    c) a & b    d) None of these
  1. The structural and functional unit of the life is:
           a) Amino acid       b) mRNA      c) DNA     d) Cell
  1. Study of cell biology began with:
           a) Discovery of cell    b) Discovery of Nucleus   c) Establishment of cell theory
           d) “a” & “b”
  1. In Classification, a class is sub divided into many:
           a) Orders     b) families      c) Genera     d) Species
  1. The known species of animals are:
           a) 1.5 million       b) 53.1million     c) 73.1 million     d) None of these
  1. Procaryotique and eukaryotique are the terms first ever used by:
           a) E.Haeckel    b) E.Chatton      c) John Hogg    d) R.Whittaker
  1. Amoebas use pseudopodia for:
          a) Nutrition     b) Locomotion     c) All of these     d) None of these
  1. The classification which reflects the evolutionary history and natural relationship
           between the organisms is called:
           a) Phyletic lineage    b) Phylogenetic system of classification
           c) Phylogenetic lineage     d) All of these
  1. What is not true for marchantia:
           a) Talloid     b) Flat     c) Ribbon like     d) Thread like
  1. Kingdom plantae is divided into broad categories which are:
           a) Two in number   b) Three in number    c) Four in number     d) None of these
  1. The living examples of whisk ferns are:
           a) Psilotum      b) Tmesipteris     c) All of these    d) None of these
  1. The dominant body of fern is:
           a) Gametophyte     b) Prothallus         c) Thallus      d) Sporophyte
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