Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Free dowload biology Solved mcqs on Coordination

Schedule test                     FSc. 1st Year                     Time Allowed: 20 min
BIOLOGY (objective)        Chapter 17                   Total Marks: 17 
                                                     ANSWER KEY                          
Note: Attempt all questions.
Q .No.1: Four possible answers are given. Encircle the best option. (17)
  1. Behaviour of plants depend on variation in:
    a) Growth rates        b) Turgidity of cells       c) Both a & b           d) None of these
  2. Chlorosis is due to:
a)      Accumulation of waste products           b) Deficiency of chlorophyll
b)      Short supply of mineral nutrients          d) All of these
  1. Detection of vibration in vertebrates is achieved by receptors in:
a)      Brain                           b)Skin                      c)Joints                d)None of these
  1. Neuroglia cells are present in:
a)      Lower animals             b) Higher animals
b)      Both a and b               d) None of these
  1. Nissl’s granules are group of:
a)      Microtubules               b) Neurofilaments       c) Ribosomes      d)Neurotransmitters
  1. In motor neurons many granules are present in:
a)      Cell body                    b) Axon                       c) Dendrites         d) Both a & b
  1. Hypophysis cerebri is an ovoid structure of about:
a)      0.3cm                          b) 0.4cm                      c) 0.5cm                d) 0.6cm
  1. Hormone that affects the process of metamorphosis in amphibians:
a)      Thyroxin                      b) Tri-idothyronine      c) Both a and b       d) None of these
  1. The promoter of leaf senescence is:
a)      Auxins                         b) Gibberellins             c) Cytokinins           d) Abscisic acid
  1. Which of the following neuron has single dendron?
a)      Sensory dendron         b) Motory dendron     c) Both a and b        d) None of these
  1. Myelin Sheath surrounding neuron fibers is made of:
a)      Carbohydrates             b) Protiens                   c) Lipids                      d) Fats
  1. Hydra has no
a)      Glandular cells            b) True muscles           c) Nerve cells              d) All of these
  1. Which of the following is not related to neurons?
a)      Conduction                 b) Regeneration            c) Reflex                    d) Movement
  1. Intelligence is under control of:
a)      Cerebrum                    b) Cerebellum              c) Thalamus            d) Hypothalamus
  1. Epinephrine and Thyronine are:
a)      proteins                       b) Steroids                   c) Amino acid        d) Polypeptides
xvi.            Acetylcholine is neurotransmitter that lies in:
a) Outside the nervous system     b) Inside the nervous system  
c) inside brain                               d)  None of these
xvii.          Nissl’s granules are present in:
a)      Axoplasm                     b) Mylien sheath                     c) Dendrite        d) Soma
for more question papers open the link: www.bioshiggi.com

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