locomotion &
coelom of Scoliodon. (4 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
1. Scoliodon is --------------.
a) Marine, herbivorous. b) Fresh water,
c) Marine, carnivorous &
predator. d) Fresh water, omnivorous.
2. Scoliodon is member of
a) Osteichthyes. b) Chondrichthyes.
c) Amphibia. d) None of these.
3. Scoliodon is --------------.
a)Viviparous. b) Oviparous.
c) Ovoviviparous. d) None of these.
4. The body of Scoliodon is
divided into ------------.
a) Head and Trunk. b) Head, trunk
& tail.
c) Head, neck, trunk & tail.
d) Head, neck & tail.
5. The skin of scoliodon is
covered with -----------
a) Dermal scales. b) Cycloid
c) Ctenoid scales. d) Placoid
6. Tail of Scoliodon is
a) Homocercal. b) Heterocercal.
c) Hypocercal. d) Hypercercal.
7. The pericardial and abdominal
cavity in the Scoliodon communicate
with one another through
a) Peritoneal canal. b)
Pericardio-peritoneal canal.
c) Abdominal canal. d)
Pericardio-periabdominal canal.
8. The pericardial and abdominal
cavity in Scoliodon is separated by ------------.
a) Septum transversum. b) Septum
c) Diagonal septum. d) Muscle
9. Scoliodon is commonly called
as ------------.
a) Dog fish. b) Lung fish.
c) Marine fish. d) Flying fish.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each).
1. Systematic position, habits
& habitat of Scoliodon.
2. Functions of skin of
3. Placoid scales of Scoliodon.
4. Locomotion in Scoliodon.
5. Coelom in Scoliodon.
6. Sketch & label- Scoliodon.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each)
1. Sketch & label - Placoid
scales of Scoliodon.
2. Sketch & label - Coelomic body cavities of
Unit No.2
Anatomy- digestive system & its physiology. (8 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
The teeth in Scoliodon are adapted for ------------.
a) Holding and tearing. b)
c) Chewing. d) Biting,tearing
& chewing.
Dentition in Scoliodon is -------------
a) Heterodont & diphyodont.
b) Heterodont & polyphyodont.
c) Homodont & diphyodont. d)
Homodont & polyphyodont.
Scroll valve present in the intestine of Scoliodon takes------------turns.
a) one & half. b) two &
c) Three & half. d) Five
& half.
Liver of Scoliodon is ---------------
a) Single lobed. b) Bilobed.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each).
1. Scroll valve of scoliodon.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each).
1. Physiology of digestion in
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks.
1. Alimentary canal of Scoliodon.
2. Digestive glands of Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Define digestion.
2. Bursa entiana.
3. Food & feeding in
c) Trilobed. d) Four lobed.
Unit No.3
Respiratory system, physiology. (4 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
--------------pairs of gill-slits are present in Scoliodon.
a) 3 b) 5
c) 6 d) 7
A complete gill is called -----------------.
a) Hemibranch. b) Holobranch.
c) Abranch. d) Lamilliform.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each).
1. Mechanism of respiration in
2. Sketch & label the breathing
mechanism in Scoliodon.
3. Sketch & label holobranch in Scoliodon.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each).
1. Physiology of respiration.
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks.
1. Describe the respiratory
system of Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Holobranch.
2. Vestigeal gill pouch.
Unit No.4
Circulatory system, blood, arterial system, venous system,
renal portal
system, lateral abdominal & cutaneous system. (10 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each).
The heart of Scoliodon receives-------------------------
a) Venous blood. b) Both venous
and arterial blood.
c) arterial blood. d) Blood only
from gills.
The ‘S’ shaped heart of Scoliodon is differentiated into-------------.
a) Sinus venosus, auricle &
b) One auricle & one
c) Auricle, ventricle & conus
arteriosus .
d) Sinus venosus, auricle,
ventricle & conus arteriosus.
The heart of Scoliodon is -------------.
a) Single chambered . b) Two
c) Three chambered. d) Four
Sinus venosus receives blood from---------------.
a) Ductus cuvieri. b) Ductus
cuvieri & hepatic sinuses.
c) Ventral aorta. d) Hepatic
Erythrocytes in Scoliodon are-----------------
a) Circular, enucleated. b)
Circular, nucleated.
c) Oval, nucleated. d) Oval,
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each).
1. Working of heart of Scoliodon.
2. Ventral aorta & afferent
branchial arteries.
3. Arteries of head of Scoliodon.
4. Efferent branchial &
epibranchial arteries.
5. Hepatic portal system of
6. Renal portal system of
7. Sketch & label Heart of
8. Sketch & label the
arterial system of Scoliodon.
9. Sketch & label the venous
system of Scoliodon.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each).
1. Hypobranchial blood plexus in
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks.
1. Dorsal aorta & its
2. Heart of Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Conus arteriosus.
2. Inferior jugular sinus.
3. Orbital sinus.
4. Ductus Cuvieri.
Unit No.5 Nervous
system, Central nervous system, peripheral &
nervous system. (8 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
Cranial nerves arising from the mid brain of Scoliodon--------------.
a) III & IV. b) IV & V.
c) V & VI. d) VI & VII.
Corpora restiformia is present in -------------.
a) Cerebrum . b) Cerebellum.
c) Mid brain. d) Medula
Foramen of Monro in Scoliodon is the opening between-----------.
a) Cavities of cerebrum.
b) I & II ventricle of
cerebrum & III ventricle.
c) III & IV ventricle.
d) Olfactory sacs.
The cranial nerve numbered as ‘0’ in Scoliodon is -----------.
a) Optic. b) Olfactory.
c) Terminal or pre-olfactory. d)
Mid brain encloses a narrow canal called --------------.
a) Optic lobes. b) Iter.
c) Diocoel. d) None of these.
Cavities of optic lobe is -----------------.
a) Paracoel b) Epicoel
c) Optocoel d) Metacoel
The blood of Scoliodon is ----------------------.
a) Bluish. b) Reddish.
c) Greenish. d) Colourless.
Cavities of Medula oblongata is --------------------.
a) Paracoel. b) Epicoel.
c) Optocoel. d) Metacoel.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each)
1. Fore Brain of Scoliodon.
2. Hind Brain of Scoliodon.
3. Cavities of Brain.
4. Sketch & label dorsal view
of brain of Scoliodon.
5. Sketch & label Ventral
view of brain of Scoliodon.
6. Sketch & label Ventricles
of brain of Scoliodon.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each)
1. Autonomic nervous system of
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks
1. Cranial nerves of Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Cerebrum.
2. Diencephalon.
3. Medulla oblongata.
4. Optic lobes.
5. Cerebellum.
6. Crura cerebri.
Unit No.6 Sense
organs, olfactory organs, photoreceptors, statoacoustic
organs, lateral
line receptors, neuromast & pit organs,
ampullae of
Lorenzini (6 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
-------------semicircular canals are found in internal Ear of Scoliodon.
a) One. b) Two.
c) Three. d) Four.
Eye of Scoliodon has muscles--------------.
a) Five. b) Six.
c) Eight. d) Seven.
Ampullae of Lorenzini are --------------.
a) Photoreceptors. b)
c) Rheoreceptors. d)
Stato-acoustic organ is another name of-----------.
a) Eye. b) Pinna.
c) Internal ear. d) Ear.
The retina of Scoliodon contains photosensitive cells called----------.
a) Cones. b) Rods.
c) Rods & cones. d) None of
Olfactory sacs are --------------------------.
a) Photoreceptors. b)
c) Rheoreceptors. d) Chemoreceptors.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each)
1. Membranous labyrinth.
2. Olfactory organs.
3. Photoreceptors.
4. Eye ball muscles.
5. Sketch & label Ampullae of
6. Sketch & label T.S. of
olfactory sac of Scoliodon.
Q.3. a) Questions
for 3 marks (3 marks each)
1. Sketch & label Membranous
labyrinth of Scoliodon.
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks
1. Photoreceptors & working
of eyes in Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Neuromast organ.
2. Lateral line receptor.
3. Pit organ.
Unit No.7
Urinogenital system, male & female Urinogenital system,
copulation, fertilization & development. (8 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
Vagina of Scoliodon is formed by the union of---------------.
a) Uteri. b) Ureters.
c) Vas deferens. d) Vasa
Spermatozoa in Scoliodon are stored in -----------------.
a) Apopyle. b) Testes.
c) Siphon. d) Seminal vesicle.
Accessory pans of male reproductive system comprises--------------.
a) Oviduct. b) Epigonal organ.
c) Mesovarium. d) Siphon.
Clasper bears a dorsal groove with anterior opening known as-------.
a) Apopyle. b) Sperm sac.
c) Hypopyle. d) Siphon.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each).
1. Sketch and label the Male
urinogenital system of Scoliodon.
2. Sketch and label the Female
Reproductive system of Scoliodon.
3. Sketch and label the Scoliodon
Embryo with placenta.
4. Sketch and label the mermaids
purse of Scoliodon.
5. Development of Scoliodon.
6. Male reproductive organs of
7. Female reproductive organs of
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each)
1. Sketch and label the mermaids
purse of Scoliodon.
2. Development of Scoliodon.
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Mermaid’s purse.
2. Yolk sac placenta.
3. Copulation in Scoliodon.
4. Shell gland.
5. Mullerian duct.
Unit No.8
General Topics - Accessory respiratory organs in fishes, Air
bladder in bony
fishes, Parental care in amphibians, Neoteny &
Paedogenesis. (12 marks)
Q.1. Multiple
choice questions (2 marks each)
Accessory Respiratory organs in fishes help in -----------------.
a) Respiration. b) Metabolism.
c) Spawning. d) None of these.
Which of the following is not a function of air bladder-------------.
a) Respiration. b) Sound
c) Reproduction. d) Hydrostasis.
Which of the following is not an accessory respiratory organ in fishes?
a) Pectoral fins. b) Pelvic fins.
c) Skin or integument. d) Gut
Paedogenesis refers to ------------------.
a) Precocious development of gonads.
b) Retogressive metamorphosis.
c) Retentation of larval
characters by adults.
d) Retention of rudimentary
characters in adults.
Neoteny refers to ------------.
a) Reproduction in larval forms.
b) Metamorphosis.
c) Retention of rudimentary
d) Retention of larval
characteristics in adults.
6. Partial neoteny refers to -----------.
a) Delayed
metamorphosis due to ecological or Physiological changes in environment.
b) Animal fails
to hibernate.
c) Animal
remains larval throughout.
d) Sexual reproduction.
Q2. & Q.4.
Short notes/sketch and label (4 marks each)
1. Functions of air bladder.
2. Sketch & label Accessory
respiratory organs in Clarias.
3. Axolotl larva.
4. Sketch & label Accessory
respiratory organs in Anabas.
5. Sketch & label Accessory
respiratory organs in Amphipnous.
6. Sketch & label Accessory
respiratory organs in Channa.
Q.3. a)
Questions for 3 marks (3 marks each)
1. Arborescent organs
2. Air bladder.
3. Neoteny.
4. Parental care in order Apoda.
Q.5. a)
Questions for 6 marks.
1. Air bladder or Swim bladder in
bony fishes.
2. Parental care in order Anura.
3. Parental care in order
Q.3.b) &
Q.5. b) (2 mark each).
1. Labyrinthiform organs.
2. Accessory Branchial chamber.
3. Accessory respiratory organs.
4. Red gland.
5. Rete mirabile.
6. Gular pouch.
7. Parental care.
8. Paedogenesis.
Dil khushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ho gya sir ge....
ReplyDeleteBT bsc main mcqs toe nhe aaty... anyway Concept mcq say he bnty haen.. kyun k dhoondna perta haen answer.. :)
Yes, you are right dear. This formate would be beneficial for BSc students.