Free Download Biology MCQ's Test


1.                  What is not involved in ecdysis?
 a) nervous system     b) ecdysone   c) enzymes    d) none of these
2.                  Nastic movements are due to balance or ratio between:
a)  Abscic acid-Gibberellin                b) Abscic acid-cytokinins
c) Abscic acid-Auxins                        d) none of these
3.                  What is not true for sclerenchyma?
                a) lignin       b) branched pits c) angular thickening   d) simple pits
4.                  The elimination of nitrogenous wastes from body is called:
a) defecation         b) excretion         c) secretion   d) all of these
5.                  Perspiration is meant for:
          a) excretion    b) osmoregulation  c) thermoregulation  d) none
6.                  What is not related with Auxins: (28,29)
           a) gravitropism        b) epinasty      c) hyponasty    d) all of these
7.                  What is not true about muscle fibers? (39)
                a) 10-100 μm   b) stored glycogen   c) stored myoglobin   d) none 
8.                  On a cool day the temperature of legs and arms is …….. than trunk:
a) several degrees lower     b) higher     c) same       d) much higher
9.                  T-system encircles the myofibril at the level of:
a) Z-line    b) A and I- junction      c) all of these    d) none of these
10.              Secondary growth takes place due to………cambium: (25,106)
a) vascular     b) intercalary     c) cork           d) all of these
11.              Which of the followings is not an endothermic animal:
a) bird            b) amphibian      c) flying insect   d) mammal
12.              Which of the followings is a paired bone?
a) mandible     b) vomer            c) palatine         d) none of these
13.              Collagen is not found in:
a) bones          b) cartilage        c) tendons           d) none of these     
14.              Panting is to dogs as urination (and salivation) is to:
a) human         b) birds             c) bats                 d) frogs
15.              Epidermis, cortex and pith take in water by: (23)
a) active transport       b) osmosis    c) endocytosis    d) all of these
16.              Which of the followings is not involved in support in animals:
a) Muscle               b) cartilage     c) bones                       d) none 

17.              Which of the followings is not present in Axon:
a) Mitochondria     b) microtubules        c) neurofibril            d) none of these
18.              Uexkull and Lorenz; (1935) were:
a) Neurologists    b) physiologists    c)  ethologists                 d) none
19.              The neuron net of hydra lacks:
a) Neurons          b) dendrites    c) Ganglia           d) direction of impulse flow
20.              A bundle of Axons and dendrites bounded by connective tissue is called:
a) Neuron             b) nerve    c) Grey matter       d) white matter
21.              What is the number of cranial and spinal nerves:
a) 12 and 13                b) 24 and 62      c) 12 and 31       d) none
22.              The one which is not related to others:
a) Cretinism    b) myxoedema    c) Grave’s disease                           d) gigantism
23.              Learning behaviour depends on:
a) Hereditary material       b) environment    c) Both               d) none
24.              Chemical messengers are produced by:
a) Endocrine cells   b) neurons    c) All of these          d) none
25.              Which of the followings is the constituent of birth control pills:
a) Progesterone       b) aldosterone     c) Estrogens          d) none
26.              Which of the followings does not inhibit TSH?
a) High temperature        b) high thyroxine level
c) Low glucose level       d) none of these
27.              Which of the followings converts glucose into lipids and proteins:
a) Cortisol       b) insulin        c) Aldosterone              d) glucagon
28.              Transient alterations in brain due to excessive rapid electric discharges in the grey matter are found in:
a) Epilepsy           b) Parkinsonism    c) Alzheimer’s disease              d) none
29.              Autonomic nervous systems use two neurons and:
a) One ganglion    b) two ganglia      c) Four ganglia       d) none 
30.              Cavities in brain are called:
a) Corpus callosum      b) ventricles   c) neurocoel                  d) white matter 
31.              Nicotine affects
                   a) Post-synaptic membranes in PNS   b) Acetylcholine receptors
                   c) Digestive tract mobility                  d) all of these           
32.              Mechanoreceptors are not present in:
a) Stomach            b) ear               c) Carotid arteries      d) none
33.              Modification through experience is called:
a) Habituation     b) learning behaviour    c) Instinct               d) none
34.              An individual produced by parthenogenesis is:
a) Male                        b) female         c) male or female       d) hermaphrodite
35.              The most effective temperature for vernalisation is:
           a) 4˚C                b) 4˚F                              c) 14˚C                      d) 14˚F 
36.              Which of the followings is not the function of Red light?
a) Greening                                         b) photomorphogenesis
c) Germination of fern spore      d) unhooking of plumule in monocots
37.              Climacteric is associated with production of:
a) Ethene                     b) Auxins                    c) cytokinin                 d) all of these
38.              Sertoli cells are present:
a) among semeniferous tubules                       b) in semeniferous tubules
c) in uterus                                                      d) in ovary
39.              The cells meant for nourishment of sperm are:
a) Interstitial cells                    b) sertoli cells c) germ cells    d) none
40.              The desire of a female for mating is called:
a) Estrous                    b) heat period              c) heat             d) all of these
41.              Primary oocyte is formed by:
a) mitosis                     b) meiosis                                c) both             d) none of these
42.              Which of the followings retards cell elongation in plants:
a) red light                   b) blue light                             c) ultraviolet rays    d) all of these
43.              Plant cells become pitted during:
a) cell division             b) maturation               c) differentiation      d) all of these
44.              The sprouting of potato can be prevented by application of hormones for:
a) 1 to 3 year   b) 2 to 4 year               c)  3 to 5 year d) none of these
45.              In chick embryo the folding of neural plate is clearly visible at……… stage:
a) 18 hours      b) 25 hours                    c) 24 hours     d) 22 hours
46.              The study of aging and increase in health is called:
a) Gerontology            b) Teratology   c) Theology                 d) none of these
47.              Which of the followings is not formed from intercalary meristems:
a) leaves                      b) flowers        c) braches of roots    d) none of these
48.              Root primordium develops from root cambium, also called:
a) pericycle                  b) pith  c) cortex          d) both “a” & “c”  
49.              Cork cambium gives rise to:
a) bark of shoot           b) bark of root c) both “a” & “b”   d) none of these
50.              Which of the followings inhibits the internodes growth i.e. etiolation:
a) red light                   b) blue light                             c) ultraviolet rays    d) all of these
51.              Chromosomes were first observed by a German embryologist ……………. in 1882.
a) P. Levene          b) A. Flemming           c) Levine           d) W. Flemming
52.              ……………….extracted a white substance from the nuclei of human cells and fish sperms and called it “nuclein”.
a) Archibald          b) Meischer     c) W Bateson   d) Correns
53.              Which one of the followings is not a pyrimidine:
a) Thymine            b) Cytosine      c) Adenine     d) Uracil
54.              In a nucleotide, a nitrogenous base is attached to carbon No:
a) 5            b) 4      c) 3     d) 1
55.              Beadle and Tatum concluded that genes produce their affects by specifying the structure of:
a) Proteins b) RNA           c) DNA          d) All of these
56.              By analyzing the structure of normal and sickle cell hemoglobin, Vernon Ingrum showed that sickle cell Anemia is caused by a change from glutamic acid to ……………..
a) Glycine  b) Valine               c) Alanine    d) Arginine
57.              The transfer of information from RNA to direct the synthesis of polypeptide by ribosome is called:
a) Transduction         b) Transcription    c) Replication   d) Translation
58.              A set of three nucleotides on mRNA specifying a particular amino acid is called:
a) Code        b) genetic code            c) codon            d) Anticodon
59.              As a result of meiosis, the number cells formed is:
a) four       b) three            c) two  d) None of these
60.              Meiosis takes place to form:
a) gametes b) sperms         c) ova d) All of these
61.              21-trisomy is also called:
a) Mongolism                                b) Petau Syndrome
c) Edward syndrome                    d) All of these
62.              18-trisomy is also called:
a) Edward syndrome                    b) Turner Syndrome   
c) Meta female                              d) None of these
63.              Brothers having same parents are not similar due to:
a) Mitosis  b) Synapsis            c) Apoptosis    d) Crossing over
64.              Obesity, tallness, small testes and enlarged breast are found in individuals with ……………:
a) Klinefelter Syndrome   b) Down’s syndrome
c) Turner Syndrome                      d) None of these
65.              The division of nucleus is called:
a) cytokinesis        b) karyokinesis     c) phregmoplast    d) None
66.              Number of chromosomes in human egg is:
a) 44+XY  b) 44+X           c) 23               d) None of these
67.              The number of chromosomes in moquito and corn is:
a) 6 & 20        b) 6 pair & 20 pair     c) 26 & 80    d) 13 pair & 20      
68.              The form of appearance of a trait is called:
a) genotype     b) phenotype   c) pleiotrpy      d) sex limited character
69.              The partner of a gene pair is called:
a) Allele           b) heterozygote           c) jumping gene            d) none of these
70.              When both the alleles of a gene pair in an organism are same, the organism is called:
a) homozygous   b) hemizygous  c) both “a” & “b”   d) none of these
71.              A & B antigen can also be present in saliva and other body fluids due to dominant gene “Se” on chromosome:
a) 19                b) 9                  c) both “a” & “b”                    d) 11
72.              Who for the first time observed the white eye mutant in Drosophila?
a) Morgan   b) Bridges    c) Levine     d) L. Pauling
73.              Individuals of blood group ……. are called universal donors:
a) A                 b) AB              c) B                 d) O
74.              Bilirubin damages ……… cells and turns skin and white of eyes, yellow. This condition is called Jaundice.
a) brain            b) liver             c) kidney         d) pancres
75.              When a single gene has multiple phenotypic effects, the phenomenon is called:
a) multiple allelism    b) pleiotropy      c) epistsis         d) over dominance
76.              A woman is being treated with injection Rh antiserum during early pregnancy. Guess the genotype of her husband:
a) D/D             b) D/d  c) “a” or “b”               d) none of these
77.              On looking at pure white cat, a Mahr Saghir’s student of genetics said, “Alas, the cat is deaf”. What should not be the genotype of cat?
a) W/W            b) W/w            c) w/w             d) “a” or “b”  
78.              A normal man whose father is albino has married an albino lady. Which disorders other than albinism can occur in his children?
a) diabetes       b) leukemia         c) sickle cell anemia     d) all of these
79.              Chromosome 7 is important due to:
a) tritanopia           b) Albinism             c) hemophilia C             d) none of these
80.              How many gene pairs contribute to wheat grain colour:
a) one              b) two c) three            d) four
81.              Mendel’s work remained neglected for ….. till 1900 AD.
a) 11 years       b) 54 years       c) 66    d) 34 years
82.              A bald man Napolean has married a woman Linda who is also bald. Whose genotype is homozygous recessive?
a) Napolean                 b) Linda          c) both “a” or “b”        d) none
83.              A Sagheer’s student is type O whose mother is type A and father is type AB. The student should be:
a) h/h               b) H/h  c) H/H d) both “b” or “c”  
84.              Which of the following trait is not sex linked recessive?    
a) tfm syndrome                                  b) deutranopia           
c) hypophosphatemic rickets   d) blue cone monochromacy

85.              Scientist who is concerned with legal cases of rape and murder are:
a) Forensic Scientist    b) microbiologist
c) ethologist                d) All of these
86.              The first Restriction enzyme was isolated in 1970 by:
a) Hamilton Smith                   b) Hamilton O. Smith
c)  Hamilton D. Smith             d) None of these
87.              PCR is carried out in:
a) spectrometer            b) centrifuge      c) homogenizer   d) thermocycler
88.              Ex-vivo gene therapy is used to treat children having:
a) SCID           b) AIDS           c) cystic fibrosis          d) both “a” & “b”  
89.              Which of the following is a salt tolerant plant?
a) Acacia            b) Mango            c) shisham                d) Arabidopsis
90.              PBR322 has antibiotic resistance gene for:
a) Tetracycline             b) streptomycin           c) ampicilin   d) both “a” & “c”  
91.              In which disease a patient lacks agene coding for trans-membrane carrier of chloride ions:
a) SCID           b) cystic fibrosis            c) cancer                    d) None of these
92.              It took thirty days to get tobacco plants to produce antigen for treatment of:
a) Hodgkin’s lymphoma                    b) Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
c) Carcinoma                            d) both “b” & “c”  
93.              What is not true for gel electrophoresis?
a) Used for DNA Test            b) used for separation of fragments of DNA c) used for separation of nucleotides     d) None of these
94.              Which protein is present in all aerobic organisms?
a) Cytochrome b   b) hemoglobin   c) Cytochrome c    d) both b & c     
95.              Who wrote an Essay on Principles of Population?
a) Malthus           b) Cuvier         c) Darwin (1809-82)       d) Wallace
96.              Who sent his theory to Darwin?
a) Wallace (1913-23)                           b) George Cuvier (1769-1832)
c) Malthus (1766-1834)                      d) Charles Lyll  (1797-1875)
97.              In a population with two alleles B and b for a particular locus, the allele frequency of B is 0.7, what would be the frequency of heterozygote according to Hardy-Weinberg Principle?
a) 0.7                b) o.42            c) 0.21             d) 0.49 
98.              Which of the followings is at the verge of extinction in Pakistan?
a) Indus Dolphin         b) Houbara Bustard    c) black buck   d) All 
99.              Stamens of a flower evolved from:
a) sepals                     b) petals                      c) leaves              d) All of these  
100.          The large tanks in which millions of somatic embryos are produced are called:
a) themocyclers           b) Bioreactors       c) biotanks      d) both “a” & “b”    
101.          Analogous organs are functionally alike but structurally different e.g. wings of bat, birds and insects, are the examples of:
a) Convergent evolution                     b) Homology
c) Divergent evolution                      d) all of these 

102.          The ecology was coined by:
a) E. Haeckel   b) Tanseley           c) Grinnel          d) None of these
103.          Living organisms which can prepare their food are called:
a) producers        b) consumers      c) decomposers   d) None of these
104.          Which of the followings is a biotic factor?
a) air               b) water                      c) soil                 d) plant
105.          Which of the followings is a macronutrient?
a) iron b) iodine                      c) molybdenum           d) phosphorus
106.          Charles Eton considered the Niche as:
a) basic role of an organism in community         b) job of an organism
c) profession of an organism                                d) None of these
107.          Which one is not correct for littoral zone?
a) shallow water                       b) abundant light       
c) planktons                              d) detritous feeders
108.          Grassland in temperate climate is called:
a) Prairies             b) Savanna                    c) Taiga      d) Tundra
109.          The Sahara desert is present in:
a) Asia                  b) Europe         c) Africa       d) Australia
110.          Productivity of an ecosystem is indicated by:
a) Consumption of CO2                  b) evolution of O2
c) Number of plants and algae        d) both “a” & “b”    
111.          A lake divided into how many zones?
a) two                b) three           c) four             d) five
112.          Which one not correct?
a) Sadiqabad-Cholistan                       b) Layya-Thar
c) Sangher-Thar                                   d) Gilgt-Tundra
113.          Conversion of  solid wastes  into oils or gas is done by:
a) Bioconvertion         b) pyrolysis          c) hydrogenation   d) All of these  
114.          The study of human populations and things which them is called:
a) Psychology       b) demography       c) Anthropology        d) None
115.          Which one of the followings is not the nutritional disorder?
a) Kwshiorkor        b) goiter         c) scurvy           d) ostioarthritis
116.          The rate of primary production in temperate grassland is about ……….g/m2 annually.
a) 300-400     b) 700-1500         c) 1500-4000    d) more than 4000
117.          Homo sapiens have been on the earth for about…….. years:
a) 10,000       b) 20,000        c) 40,000        d) 60,000      
118.          Zooplanktons means:
a) Drifting animals     b) Drifting plants    c) fishes     d) All of these  


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