Biologists Try to Know, "What the life is!" Biology came into being since Life appeared on earth... You can find here Biological Concepts, Solved Question Papers For Free, Unsolved Science Mysteries and Important General Definitions Which Usually Appear In Exams.
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Past Paper Biology SISE Bahawalpur 2011
Total marks 17 Objective Part Time: 20 Minutes
Note: Write answers to
the questions on the objective answer sheet provided. Four possible answers A,
B, C, D to each question are given which answer is correct, fill the relevant
circle with pen ink to each question on the answer sheet provided.
1. Each question has four options.
Only one option is closest in meaning. Fill the right option from given. 17
Sr. |
Question |
A |
B |
C |
D |
1 |
The optimum pH of Arginase is |
6.70 |
7.70 |
8.70 |
9.70 |
2 |
Which of the following do not have cell wall |
E-coli |
Mycoplasma |
Vibrio |
Spirochete |
3 |
Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic are Period of era |
Proterozoic |
Paleozoic |
Mesozoic |
Cenozoic |
4 |
Dextrin, Agar, Pectin and Chitin is |
Carbohydrate |
Lipid |
Protein |
Nucleic Acid |
5 |
Foot and mouth disease is caused by |
Algae |
Bacteria |
Fungi |
Virus |
6 |
The species of edible mushroom are about |
100 |
200 |
300 |
400 |
7 |
Pulses belong to the following family |
Rosaceae |
Solanaceae |
Fabaceae |
Poaceae |
8 |
The enzymes for Glyoxylate Cycle are located in the |
Golgi bodies |
Lysosomes |
Glyoxysomes |
Peroxisomes |
9 |
Giants of the Protists Kingdom are included in |
Green Algae |
Red Algae |
Brown Algae |
Diatoms |
10 |
Chlorophyll “a” found in all Photosynthetic Organisms except Photosynthetic |
Algae |
Bacteria |
Fungi |
Plants |
11 |
In animals, Reproductive System develop from |
Mesenchyma |
Ectoderm |
Endoderm |
Mesoderm |
12 |
The number of Chloroplast in each of Mesophyll Cell is about |
20-200 |
20-100 |
10-100 |
10-200 |
13 |
Plasma Cells reproduced from |
Eosinophills |
Basophils |
Monocytes |
Lymphocytes |
14 |
Hydathodes are associated with |
Transpiration |
Evaporation |
Guttation |
Transport of Food |
15 |
Normal pH of human blood is |
4.4 |
5.4 |
6.4 |
7.4 |
16 |
How many molecules of Oxygen can bind with a molecule of Myoglobin |
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
17 |
In Cockroach food is temporally stored in |
Esophagus |
Crop |
Stomach |
Gizzard |
Answers Key by: Dr Saghir Ahmad
1 |
A |
2 |
B |
3 |
C |
4 |
a |
5 |
d |
6 |
b |
7 |
c |
8 |
c |
9 |
c |
10 |
B |
11 |
D |
12 |
B |
13 |
d |
14 |
c |
15 |
d |
16 |
a |
17 |
b |
Total marks 68 Subjective Part Time: 2:40 Hours
1. Write short answer to any EIGHT of the following questions. (16)
(i) Draw diagram of Bacteriophage and Label it.
(ii) Why some Biologists found two Kingdom system of Classification unworkable?
(iii) Distinguish between Cell Walls of Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria?
(iv) What are the functions of Flagella, Pili, Slime and Capsule in Bacterial Cell?
(v) Distinguish between Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation.
(vi) Distinguish between Cavum Venosum and Cavum Pulmonale.
(vii) How mineral ions are transported into root whose concentration is already high in root cells?
(viii) Distinguish between Symplast and Apoplast Pathway for transport of water.
2. Write short answer to any EIGHT of the following questions. (16)
(i) What are Bracket /Shelf Fungi? Give their importance.
(ii) Give the cause and symptoms of “ERGOTISM”.
(iii) Calcareous Exoskeleton of Echinoderms may be called Endoskeleton’ Why?
(iv) Define the term “Metameric Segmentation”.
(v) What is “Schizocoelous Coelom”?
(vi) How the secretion of Gastric Juice is regulated?
(vii) Give the importance of Predator-Prey Interaction in an Eco System.
(viii) Draw and label the structure of a “VILLUS”.
3. Write short answer to any EIGHT of the following questions. (16)
(i) Differentiate between Population and Community.
(ii) Why is there need to control Environmental Pollution?
(iii) The active site of enzyme consists of two regions. Give their name and function.
(iv) Give significant for Alternation of Generations.
(v) Explain Circinate Vernation.
(vi) Write vegetative characters of family solanaceae.
(vii) Why Photosynthesis is called Redox Process? Illustrate your answer with equation.
(viii) Enlist four stages of Cellular Respiration. Where do these occur?
Question 4. Write short answer to any SIX of the following questions. (12)
(i) Show Peptide Bend between two Amino Acids.
(ii) What are Conjugated Molecules? Give one example.
(iii) Differentiate between Resolution and Magnification of Microscope.
(iv) What is Tay-Sachs’ disease.
(v) What is Chlorella? Give its significances.
(vi) How Ciliates differ from other protozoans.
(vii) Write two properties of Respiratory Surfaces in animals.
(viii) What are Parabronchi?
(ix) Define Inhalation and Exhalation in Frog.
Q. 5: (a) Describe various properties of water which make it very important molecule for life.
(b) Explain Respiration in Birds.
Q. 6: (a) Describe various types of Plastids.
(b) How does sexual reproduction occur in Fungi?
Q. 7: (a) Discuss the Lytic Cycle of Bacteriophage.
(b) Write in detail the functions of Lymphatic System.
Q. 8. (a) Write general characteristics of phylum Annelida. .
(b) Write down characteristics of Cyanobacteria.
Q. 9. (a) Describe and sketch light independent (Dark) Reactions of Photosynthesis.