Paper Biology First Year Time Allowed 1 Hour
Chapter 5 Total
Marks 25
Question 1. Select
the correct option and encircle: (9 marks)
i. In Classification,
a class is sub divided into many:
a) Orders b) families c) Genera d) Species
ii. The known
species of animals are:
a) 1.5 million b) 53.1million c) 73.1 million d) None of these
Proecaryotique and eukaryotique are the terms first
ever used by:
a) E.Heackel b) E.Chatton c) John Hogg d) R.Whittekar
The order of corn is:
a) Poaceae b) Poales c) Rosales d) None of these
A vertebrate with backbone, fins and gills is called:
a) Amphibion b) Fish c) Aquatic mammal d) All of these
Mad cow disease is caused by:
a) Virus b) Bacteria c) Yeast d) None of these
A definite shape to virion is given by:
a) Capsid b) Capsomere c) Mucopolysaccharides d) DNA
What is
not true HIV:
a) Transmitted by sexual contact b) Transmitted by mother’s milk
c) Named in 1986 d) None of these
Which of the following is not transmitted by sexual contact:
a) AIDS b) Hepatitis A c) Hepatitis B d) All of these
Question 2. Answer the following short questions: (10
- HIV forms its capsid proteins ?
- How the bacteriophage enters into the host cell? Give the particular name of this process also.
- Write down the biological names of potato and corn.
- Define induction.
- Draw a labelled diagram of HIV.
Question 3. Write a note on common viral diseases of
human. (6 marks)