Saturday, 23 March 2013

Model Question paper on Reproduction

Paper Biology                                                                                                Chapter 18 Reproduction                    
TEST NO-----------------                                                                                 Date: ……….

Paper Setter: Mahr Sagheer                                                                            Total Marks: 25                                                     

Class: FSc. Part II                   Roll No: ………………                                  Time allowed: 1 hour

Note: Attempt all questions.
Q .No.1: Answer the following short questions: (12)

       i.            Write the role of hormones in ovulation.
     ii.            Define menopause.
  iii.            What is ovoviviparity?
  iv.            Define fraternal twins.
     v.            What is after birth?
  vi.            How pregnancy is maintained? Give role of hormones.
Q .No.2: a) Write a note on sexually transmitted diseases. (4)
              b) Describe the role of phytochromes. (4)

Q .No.3: Four possible answers are given. Tick (Ö ) the best option. (5)

       i.            Reproduction is important for the survival of:
     a) Individual       b) species       c) Population    d) Both b & c
     ii.            Methods of asexual reproduction are:
          a) Apomixis         b) Artificial propagation    
          c) Sporulation      d) All of these
  iii.            Pinus sylvesteris belongs to:
          a) Gymnosperms     b) Angiosperms    c) Both a & b   d) None of these             
   iv.             Antipodal cells are fertilized by:
           a) Pollen tube      b) Tube nucleus      c) generative nucleus     d) none
      v.            Developing seeds are rich source of:
          a) Auxins       b) Abscicic acid      c) Ethene    d) All of these

Answer Key
Q. No. 1: Four possible answers are given. Tick (Ö ) the best option. (5)

       i.            Reproduction is important for the survival of:
     a) Individual       b) species       c) Population    d) Both b & c
     ii.            Methods of asexual reproduction are:
          a) Apomixis         b) Artificial propagation    
          c) Sporulation      d) All of these
  iii.            Pinus sylvesteris belongs to:
          a) Gymnosperms     b) Angiosperms    c) Both a & b   d) None of these             
   iv.             Antipodal cells are fertilized by:
           a) Pollen tube      b) Tube nucleus      c) generative nucleus     d) none
      v.            Developing seeds are rich source of:
          a) Auxins       b) Abscicic acid      c) Ethene    d) All of these

Q. No. 2: Answer the following short questions: (12)

       i.            Role of hormones in ovulation: FSH released from pituitary stimulates the secretion of estrogens from ovary. Estrogens cause the vascularization of endometrium and inhibition of FSH. The decreased level of FSH and increased level of estrogens causes the pituitary to release Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which induces the ovulation (the release of ovum from follicle). (see page 99)
     ii.            Menopause: In human, the end or complete stoppage of menstrual cycle is called menopause after which the female stops menstruation and producing ovum (see page 99 FSc Biology Book 2nd).
  iii.            Ovoviviparity: The development of embryo within the egg, within the uterus of mother and at the completion of development the hatching of young one from the laid ovum is called ovoviviparity. In Duckbilled Platypus, Echidna etc ovoviviparity occurs (see page 96 FSc Biology Book 2nd).
  iv.            Fraternal twins: During the development in some case, more than one ova escape the follicle ateresia. Therefore more than one embryos or fetus’ os off spring develop which are called fraternal twins (see page 94 FSc Biology Book 2nd). 
     v.            After birth: Within 10 to 45 minutes after the birth, uterus contracts and placenta is separated from the wall of uterus which passes out of the body of mother through vagina. This is called after birth. Bleeding throughout this period is controlled by contraction of smooth muscle fibers which completely surround all the uterine blood vessels supplying the placenta. The average loss of blood during birth is about 350 cm­­3 (see page 94 FSc Biology Book 2nd).
  vi.            Role of hormones in maintenance of pregnancy: The fertilized ovum starts its development and is attached with the wall of uterus. This attachment is called implantation or conception. This leads to establishment of placenta, a tissue formed between the embryo and uterine wall. Placenta secretes progesterone hormone which maintains the pregnancy (see page 100 FSc Biology Book 2nd).   
Q .No.3: a) Write a note on sexually transmitted diseases. (4)
              b) Describe the role of phytochromes. (4)
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