Nervous System

The Nervous System:

The nervous system consists of an insect consist of brain, a sub-esophageal pair of ganglia, three thoracic and six abdominal pairs of ganglia, a system of connectives uniting the ganglia together, and a series of nerves given off to the various parts of the body. the brain consists of a bilobed mass of nerve matter situated in the head and divisible into two parts, anterior and posterior.
From the anterior part is given off on each side of the optic nerve passing to the eye to become expanded into an optic ganglion and the posterior  part the nerves to the antennae. It is supported by a continuous framework. From the brain there runs backwards a pair of esophageal connectives, passing one on each side of esophagus downwards and backwards to the sub esophageal ganglia. The latter, which are situated between the submentum  and esophagus give off a pair of connectives, passing backwards to first thoracic ganglia. From the sub-esophageal ganglia are given off the nerves to the labium, the mandibles and both pairs of maxillae. The three pairs of thoracic and six pairs of abdominal ganglia are connected together into a chain by a series of double connectives. The last pair of ganglia are larger than others and supply the segments behind. A visceral nervous system is connected with two esophageal connectives by two nerves, which join above the esophagus to form a median frontal ganglion.
Sense Organs:
The Sense organs are the eyes, the antennae, and the palpi. In cockroach eyes are compound. each eye is made up of large number of simple elements similar to those of Apus. The antennae and palpi, together with the anal cerci, act as organs of touch. In addition to certain sensory structures on the antennae appear to have olfactory function.

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