Free download Biology MCQ Test by Mahr Saghir Ahmad

          Note: select the best possible option.

1.                  The elimination of nitrogenous wastes from body is called:
a) defecation         b) excretion         c) secretion   d) all of these
2.                  Perspiration is meant for:
                  a) excretion    b) osmoregulation  c) thermoregulation  d) none
3.                  What is not true about muscle fibers? (39)
                        a) 10-100 μm   b) stored glycogen   c) stored myoglobin   d) none 
4.                  On a cool day the temperature of legs and arms is …….. than trunk:
a) several degrees lower     b) higher     c) same       d) much higher
5.                  T-system encircles the myofibril at the level of:
a) Z-line    b) A and I- junction      c) all of these    d) none of these
6.                  Which of the followings is a paired bone?
a) mandible     b) vomer            c) palatine         d) none of these
7.                  Collagen is not found in:
a) bones          b) cartilage        c) tendons           d) none of these     
8.                  Which of the followings is not involved in support in animals:
a) Muscle               b) cartilage     c) bones                       d) none 
9.                  A bundle of Axons and dendrites bounded by connective tissue is called:
a) Neuron             b) nerve    c) Grey matter       d) white matter
10.              What is the number of cranial and spinal nerves:
a) 12 and 13                b) 24 and 62      c) 12 and 31       d) none
11.              Chemical messengers are produced by:
a) Endocrine cells   b) neurons    c) All of these          d) none
12.              Which of the followings is the constituent of birth control pills:
a) Progesterone       b) aldosterone     c) Estrogens          d) none
13.              Which of the followings converts glucose into lipids and proteins:
a) Cortisol       b) insulin        c) Aldosterone              d) glucagon
14.              Transient alterations in brain due to excessive rapid electric discharges in the grey matter are found in:
a) Epilepsy           b) Parkinsonism    c) Alzheimer’s disease              d) none
15.              Autonomic nervous systems use two neurons and:
a) One ganglion    b) two ganglia      c) Four ganglia       d) none 
16.              Cavities in brain are called:
a) Corpus callosum      b) ventricles   c) neurocoel                  d) white matter 
17.              Nicotine affects
                   a) Post-synaptic membranes in PNS   b) Acetylcholine receptors
                   c) Digestive tract mobility                  d) all of these           
18.              Mechanoreceptors are not present in:
a) Stomach            b) ear               c) Carotid arteries      d) none
19.              Sertoli cells are present:
a) among semeniferous tubules                 b) in semeniferous tubules
c) in uterus                                                            d) in ovary
20.              The cells meant for nourishment of sperm are:
a) Interstitial cells        b) sertoli cells   c) germ cells              d) none
21.              Primary oocyte is formed by:
a) mitosis               b) meiosis                    c) both             d) none of these
22.              In a nucleotide, a nitrogenous base is attached to carbon No:
a) 5                        b) 4                             c) 3                 d) 1
23.              By analyzing the structure of normal and sickle cell hemoglobin, Vernon Ingrum showed that sickle cell Anemia is caused by a change from glutamic acid to ……………..
a) Glycine              b) Valine                     c) Alanine    d) Arginine
24.              Brothers having same parents are not similar due to:
a) Mitosis              b) Synapsis            c) Apoptosis    d) Crossing over
25.              Obesity, tallness, small testes and enlarged breast are found in individuals with ……………:
a) Klinefelter Syndrome               b) Down’s syndrome
c) Turner Syndrome                      d) None of these
26.              Number of chromosomes in human egg is:
a) 44+XY              b) 44+X           c) 23               d) None of these
27.              The form of appearance of a trait is called:
a) genotype                       b) phenotype   c) pleiotrpy      d) sex limited character
28.              When both the alleles of a gene pair in an organism are same, the organism is called:
a) homozygous      b) hemizygous             c) both “a” & “b”   d) none of these
29.              A & B antigen can also be present in saliva and other body fluids due to dominant gene “Se” on chromosome:
a) 19                      b) 9                  c) both “a” & “b”                    d) 11
30.              Bilirubin damages ……… cells and turns skin and white of eyes, yellow. This condition is called Jaundice.
a) brain      b) liver             c) kidney         d) pancres
31.              When a single gene has multiple phenotypic effects, the phenomenon is called:
a) multiple allelism    b) pleiotropy            c) epistsis         d) over dominance
32.              A woman is being treated with injection Rh antiserum during early pregnancy. Guess the genotype of her husband:
a) D/D                   b) D/d             c) “a” or “b”                d) none of these
33.              A normal man whose father is albino has married an albino lady. Which disorders other than albinism can occur in his children?
a) diabetes             b) leukemia         c) sickle cell anemia     d) all of these
34.              Chromosome 7 is important due to:
a) tritanopia                 b) Albinism             c) hemophilia C             d) none of these
35.              One of the Mahr Sagheer’s students is type O whose mother is type A and father is type AB. The student should be:
a) h/h                                 b) H/h              c) H/H                         d) both “b” or “c”  
36.              Which of the following trait is not sex linked recessive?    
a) tfm syndrome                            b) deutranopia           
c) hypophosphatemic rickets         d) blue cone monochromacy
37.              Scientist who is concerned with legal cases of rape and murder are:
a) Forensic Scientist          b) microbiologist
c) ethologist                      d) All of these
38.              PCR is carried out in:
a) spectrometer      b) centrifuge      c) homogenizer   d) thermocycler
39.              Ex-vivo gene therapy is used to treat children having:
a) SCID     b) AIDS           c) cystic fibrosis          d) both “a” & “b”  
40.              In which disease a patient lacks a gene coding for trans-membrane carrier of chloride ions:
a) SCID     b) cystic fibrosis            c) cancer                    d) None of these
41.              Which protein is present in all aerobic organisms?
a) Cytochrome b   b) hemoglobin   c) Cytochrome c    d) both b & c     
42.              Who sent his theory to Darwin?
a) Wallace (1913-23)                     b) George Cuvier (1769-1832)
c) Malthus (1766-1834)                d) Charles Lyll  (1797-1875)
43.              Analogous organs are functionally alike but structurally different e.g. wings of bat, birds and insects, are the examples of:
a) Convergent evolution               b) Homology
c) Divergent evolution                d) all of these  
44.              Conversion of  solid wastes  into oils or gas is done by:
a) Bioconvertion   b) pyrolysis          c) hydrogenation   d) All of these  
45.              The study of human populations and things which them is called:
a) Psychology       b) demography       c) Anthropology        d) None
46.              Homo sapiens have been on the earth for about…….. years:
a) 10,000       b) 20,000        c) 40,000        d) 60,000   

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